Landscape Accessories
Potting Soil
Water Features
Paving Stone Restraint & Spikes
Paver Joint Stabilizer
Accent Lighting
Light up your landscape at night with beautiful accent lights.
Everything You Need in One Place
Beyond bricks and stones, there are numerous other landscape products and accessories that Hilgersom Inc. carries to help you complete your landscape. Some of the additional products are:
Landscape Lighting
Extend the amount of time you can enjoy in your yard by adding LED lighting throughout the landscape. With energy-efficient lights to match any application and budget, these lights are often small enough to go unnoticed during the day, but bright enough for a beautiful effect at night!
Polymeric Joint Stabilizer
After your paving stone or natural stone is laid, you may want to add poly sand to the joints to prevent erosion and minimize ant infestations. Unlike mortar, this jointing sand is specially made to flex along with the bricks or stone and comes in different colours to help accent your work.
Edging Restraint & Brick Adhesive
You’ve gone through the trouble of installing your paving stone or retaining wall, now ensure that your finished product lasts many years to come! By simply adding accessories such as edging restraint to contain your pavers or brick adhesive to glue your retaining wall blocks together, you’ll continue to be proud of your hardscape project.
Precast Concrete Steps
Precast concrete steps mimic the look of natural stone slabs but their consistency make them easier to install.
Water Feature Products
Check out our natural stone bubblers ranging in size from 2’ to 8’ plus! We can also get any water garden products that you may desire!
Come visit our south Lethbridge landscape centre to view our current product line and let us know if there is something you would like us to carry in the future!